Austrian theatrical release – March 16
Mati and her boy gang on their tuned motocross bikes are the terror of their village and make life difficult for all the girls. But when Sebastian, the leader of the pack, falls in love with Mati and she becomes friends with Carla, one of the victims of their needling, Mati runs the risk of losing her place with the boys. At the same time, a deeply hidden secret stands between Mati’s parents, and the two of them must decide: What counts for more, seeming or being?
It looks like everybody has found their place in life: Mati and her gang of boys feel like the heroes of their village riding around on their tuned motocross bikes. Mati’s parents – Gabriele, a veterinarian and Paul, a surveyor, are firmly established and only have to finalize the last work on the construction of their new house.
But when Mati meets Carla, her world becomes unstable. The encounter with the independent girl shows Mati who she could really be: alive and open, and very different from her competitive, demonstratively cool friends. To complicate things further, Mati‘s best friend Sebastian falls in love with her and wants her to change from buddy to lover. Will Mati now lose her place in her male circle of friends?
In the meantime, the world of her parents also threatens to break apart. Gabriele discovers Paul’s best-kept secret. Will the situation pass, or should she confront him directly? Paul, too, is increasingly under pressure to face his very own truth.
In the end, all characters face the same decision: what counts for more, seeming or being?
Katharina Mueckstein once again proves herself as a subtle seismograph of social realities – and just as in Mueckstein‘s debut “Talea“, shooting-star Sophie Stockinger is a godsend for the film. Kathrin Resetarits, Dominik Warta and Julia Franz Richter star in additional roles.
born 1982 in Vienna. Studied Philosophy and Gender Studies, 2004–2010 Directing at Filmakademie Wien, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst. 2010 Co-Founder of production company La Banda Film. 2013 START-STIPENDIUM for Cinema Art by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture.
2019FEMINISM WTF – documentary, 90 min.,
produced by La Banda Film – in production
2018L’ANIMALE – fiction feature, 96 min.,
produced by NGF Geyrhalterfilm and La Banda Film
2013TALEA – fiction feature, 75 min.,
produced by La Banda Film
2008DIE VEREINIGUNG – short film, 30 Min.,
produced by Barbara Nehoda/Flavio Marchetti
Film Academy Vienna
2016HOLZ ERDE FLEISCH – consultant, producer –
documentary, 72 min.
2017TIERE UND ANDERE MENSCHEN – co-author, producer –
documentary, 88 min.
As an author, the question of how to be human interests me wherever wanting something and being expected to do something collide, and where characters waver between anxiety and courage. The evolution of conventions, opinions and structures of social living is first and foremost based on emotions. In my films, I try to make visible this interaction between the personal and the political.
During my work on L’ANIMALE, I often thought of costume dramas and of the tragical figures in 19th century love stories that narrate the impossibility of being in a world ruled by strict conventions. L‘ANIMALE is my personal answer to the question of how free we, as modern people, really are.
I see ourselves – and hence also the characters in my story – as living in constant and conflicting doubt. We know what is expected of us, what is supposedly good and right for us. We are nothing if not adaptable to circumstance. We want to please and be respected. We are sensitive and
However, authenticity requires confrontation, emancipation demands effort, progress needs courage. Traditional gender roles and sexual norms are enormously restrictive in this context and only slowly become more porous. Individual resistance, the courage to liberate one’s identity and sexuality from social norms of self-optimization and adaptation – that is the greatest revolutionary potential in our times.
In his song L’ANIMALE, Franco Battiato sings plaintively about the animal within himself. The animal stands for that which we carry inside ourselves, which steers us whether we want to or not. Battiato’s voice could be the voice of any of the characters in the film. They all feel the chasm between reason and inner desire. In contrast to human beings, an animal does not have a repertoire to hide its emotions, it doesn’t reflect upon questions of reason, and hence it only knows its own authentic being.
The utopia of L‘ANIMALE is a human fighting to find a fitting place for his/ her innermost essence in the external world. Someone who can combine the three forces of passion, desire and reason in order to become free.
Katharina Mueckstein
Panorama Special und Cross-Section Screening
in der Sektion Generation 14plus.
19:00 – Zoo Palast 1
09:30 – CinemaxX 7
14:30 – Cubix 9
19:00 – Zoo Palast 1
17:00 – HKW
Ma l’animale che mi porto dentro
non mi fa vivere felice mai
si prende tutto anche il caffè
mi rende schiavo delle mie passioni
e non si arrende mai e non sa attendere
e l’animale che mi porto dentro vuole te.
Dentro me segni di fuoco è l’acqua che li spegne
se vuoi farli bruciare tu lasciali nell’ aria
oppure sulla terra.
Ma l’animale che mi porto dentro
non mi fa vivere felice mai
si prende tutto anche il caffè
mi rende schiavo delle mie passioni
e non si arrende mai e non sa attendere
e l’animale che mi porto dentro vuole te.
But the animal that I carry inside
Never lets me live happily.
It takes everything, even my coffee.
It enslaves me to my passions
And it never gives up and doesn’t know to wait
And the animal that I carry inside wants you.
Inside of me, signs of fire and the water to douse it
If you want to make it burn, leave it in the air
or else on the earth.
But the animal I carry inside
Never lets me live happily.
It takes everything, even my coffee.
It enslaves me to my passions
And it never gives up and doesn’t know to wait
And the animal inside me wants you…
Interview: Karin Schiefer, Austrian Film Commission,
November 2017
Claudia Tomassini & Associates
International Film Publicity
Saarbrücker Str. 24 | Haus B | 2. OG
D 10405 Berlin
t: +49 30 44 34 06 06
m: +49 173 205 5794
vielseitig ||| kommunikation
Valerie Besl
Neubaugasse 8|2|1
A 1070 Wien
t: +43 1 522 4459 10
m: +43 664 8339266
Polyfilm Verleih
Margaretenstraße 78
A 1050 Wien
t: +43 1 581 39 00 20
Films Boutique
Köpenicker Str. 184
D 10997 Berlin
t: +49 30 69 53 78 50
Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Filmproduktion GmbH
Hildebrandgasse 26
A 1180 Vienna
t/f: +43 1 40 30 162
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